Sunday, August 5, 2007

DO NOT use your Hazard Lights when it rains

The misuse of hazard lights is not only annoying, but it can be dangerous.

According to the, "Rain or shine, Florida law says keep your hazards off unless you're stalled or sitting on the side of the road. Hazard lights are only supposed to be used when you're stationary."

"Some drivers think it's easier to see and be seen with blinking lights in a blinding rainstorm, fog or when smoke from a wildfire reduces visibility."

"But hazards disable the turn signals. They also make it harder to tell if the motorist ahead is tapping on the brakes. Other drivers might assume the hazard lights are being properly used and swerve to avoid a vehicle they think has stopped in the highway."

"If it's raining too hard to see, the Florida Highway Patrol advises drivers to pull off the road and then turn on your hazards to wait out the storm."

According to the Florida Highway Patrol, "Unauthorized flashing lights are considered a nonmoving violation in Florida, punishable with a fine of about $70."


Anonymous said...

It makes it worse when it's raining so hard and all of these idots have their hazard lights flashing.

Anonymous said...

You write very well.