Friday, August 3, 2007

Costa annoys me

I hate to admit it, but I love to watch reality TV. Lately, I have been watching On The Lot, the show where aspiring film directors battle it out each week by writing and directing a short film in hopes of winning a deal with Dream Works. The films are really pretty good, and they are getting better each week as the contestant with the fewest votes gets voted off every week. I don't have a clear cut personal favorite as I am pretty happy with all of the remaining contestants. It seems as though everyone really likes Zach, the special effects pro, but think it would be great if the good ole Southern boy, Jason finished on top.

I do, however, have a problem with the host of the show, Adriana Costa. I know, most of you men out there probably think I am just jealous because she is beautiful, but that's not it. She is so annoying! If you notice in the first episodes she used her hands a lot and put them together in front of her forming the shape of a diamond. I guess the producers or directors caught on to this annoying habit and now in recent episodes she uses a hand held microphone to keep her hands occupied. Also, I think that in some ways she takes away from the show by parading around in these skimpy outfits... maybe I am just jealous! Regardless, she annoys me! Oh, don't even get me started on Carry Fisher... we'll save that for another post!

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

That "Star Wars" hag is the really annoying one. She is either drunk, blind, or stupid. I TIVO the show just so I can FF thru her comments. Plus that old bag of bones sitting next to her. Don't you think they could of went out on the streets and pulled two street people in to do the judging and it would be better. Zach is annoying too...can you please stop smiling. We know you are a special effects dork, but come on. And that ginger who can only do silent films. At least Costa is nice to look at..other than the FF button, I also use the mute button at times.

Anonymous said...

I stopped watching the show Carrie Fisher is on because she's the MOST annoying!