Thursday, August 2, 2007

I love my mom, but...

I love my mom so much. She is such an amazing person. She is generous, kind and loving. She raised my brother and I to be strong, smart people and after 40 years she is still married to my father. But, boy does she annoy me sometimes!

Tonight I was on the phone for over an hour with her trying to talk her through how to work her email. Yes, her email! Keep in mind that my mom is a very young 60 year old who is otherwise very intelligent. However, she turns into an absolute moron when it comes to the computer. I tried and keep my cool at first and I told myself that she is trying her best. I even took some deep breaths and closed my eyes, but I just couldn't seem to muster the patience necessary to put up with her inability to open up her email messages.

I was so annoyed by the time I got off the phone. My heart was pounding and I felt all stressed out. What could be so hard about opening up an email message?? There is no trick to it! Just click on the message you want to read. Argh!


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. My mother is the same way...

Anonymous said...

I think your Mother was just trying to push your buttons. It's called "pay backs" for all the stuff she took from you when you were young and pain to her. God works in mysterious ways. Give her a break.